Friday 28 February 2014

Chopines continued

Once I'd finished my first pair of chopines I got a few admiring comments from some of the local ladies, so since I wasnt really going to make any for myself I thought I'd make a few more pairs to try to improve my technique.

This pair I made for the Honorable Lady Elizabetta Foscari and as luck would have it she was in the midst of putting on a series of classes on Italian garb.
I kept the style the same so I could work on making them more efficiently and getting my upholstery a bit more tidy.

This pair were for Lady Lucia Anastasia da Curzola who, though frequently appearing to be one of the Golden Horde is actually a cultivated Venetian lady.
I also made a pair for Ginevra Isabella di Serafino Visconti.
I think I managed to get more consistency in my work and have got a handle on the basics of these shoes. I made a few changes to the original pattern I was using to account for my style of stitching and I think when I do more I'll be a bit more efficient.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, can you make a red chopines in US size 12?
